In the before, there are more than 100 units of ATM machine, named BANPOL in all Poland. But today, some of them could not work any more. Since 1998, the format of date was changed from year/month/day to daymonthyear.
There are two colors(red, pink), and two edition of papers(height: 36mm, 37mm)
One friend go back to Poland for a short vacation. Good luck of mine she take some photoes of the machine for me. How to get the postage labels, see belows.
Place your stuff on the scale, first select type of stuff(from left to right of first row: postcard, letter, printed matters, parcel), then move to second row from left to right is Inland Economy, Inland Priority, Other Countries Economy, Other Countries Priority, the third row is area of other coutries. From left to right is EUROPE, AMERICA and AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA and ASIA, AUSTRALIA and OCEAN. Finally you would select the quantities by press + or -, press the GREEN button to confirm this deal, or you press RED button to cancel this deal. Before press GREEN button, you must inserted enough coins into the machine.

Some post office did not cancel the postage label on the cover, and some post offices even think the labels were used on the printing date and original post office only. Surely some offices can accept the label what ever its date or origianl place.
Thanks Irena
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