Hello, all collectors from world wide. Welcome to my mini-world of ATMs. Inside this site, you can find some ATM used covers and ATM stamps that I collected, even some articles I studied.
Surely not all the articles are correct, that I hope you feedback your rich knowledge to correct my words. Belive this field will benefit all explorers, and attract more friend into ATM world.
----------Show me knowledge, not stamps--------
France Post issued new ATM for 100th Annv. of Air Force of French Marine on 18th Sep. The issue day is just when Japanese Army invade Easten of China at 1931, regret Chinese has not Air Force at that time.
This time France Post upgrade the postage from 0.85 to 0.87 Euro for overseas letter, other postage rate was updated accordingly.
The ATM was issued at machine LISA 2, volume is 10K. ------------------------- Thanks Pierre!
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