ATM card from Japan, the image of card is the head image of blog - TIGER---------------------------
Thanks ISAO!

RENE FDC returned from OSLO, NORWAY.

First day cover of new postage label.

Hongkong post logo.
7th Dec. 2009 Hongkong Post installed 4 counter machines to output postage label. The label is available on desk by clerk, and affixed on letter immediately, can not sell to user as label.
There is phosphor on the label, one is Hongkong post logo, another is s/n with 7 digitial number.
Thanks Chan!
Hope all friends MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from w/w.
Snow Winter issued by Austria on 4th Dec. 2009 topic is NUMIPHIL 2009, 20th Nov. 2009 for PHILATELI.SHOP.-------------------------------
Thanks Wolfgang!

To celebrate the Anniversary One of direct mail link between China mainland and Taiwan, Taiwan issued the ATM on 22 machines. 4 of them are pink printing live above picture(from Taizhong Minquan Rd. post office). They are from Beimen, Neihu, Taiping, Taizhong Minquan Rd. post offices.

Complete Set of Pink.

R-FDC from Banqiao post office by black print.

R-FDC from Minquan Rd. post office by pink print.
As we know, Taiwan issued ATM for Direct Mail-Link(between China Mainland and Taiwan) Anniversary on 15th Dec. Now there are some temporary events base on this issue.23th Dec. Green Print from Xinzhu post office25th Dec. Blue Print from Fengyuan post office28th Dec. Green Print from Gangshan post officeNew Year PhilaExpo by Zhongli post office from 30th Dec. to 3th Jan.30th Dec. Blue Print (16000 pcs by 4 machines)1th Jan. Red Print (16000 pcs by 4 machines)

Taiwan Tung Blossoms III Blue FDC(24th Oct. 2009) sending to Netherland, returned to Beijing.
Usually the distance between edge of the right lion head to label edge is 6mm (both top and right).
But sometimes the distance will be variable to 7mm, or less than 5.5mm, that we can see belows.

More than 1.5mm the distance difference between two labels of top of lion head to upper edge of label.

The right distance difference is 1.7mm.

Because the lion heads moved upper a little, and imprint 'Singpore' lower a little, that got them overlap.

Another interesting is the cancel is blue, not black. It is from BRAS BASAH (百胜楼).
Singapore issued ATM, red lion head.
Macau returned to China since Dec. 1999 from Portugal, so it is 10th Annv. this year. Also it is China Founded Annv. 60th, that there is special PhilaExpo in Macau 28th - 30th Nov. 2009.

World Heritage ATM(NAGLER) air postage to Beijing.

Lotus Bridge snail mail postage to Beijing.
Thanks Joao!

The Irazu Volcano is an active volcano in Costa Rica, situated in the Cordillear Central close to the city of Cartogo. Last eruption happened on 1963.

It appears black while blue on green, so we can see the machine number looks black.

Cocos Island(Spanish: Isla del Coco) is an unihabited island located off the shore of Costa Rica. It is one of the National Park of Costa Rica, located in the Pacific Ocean.

Big Red Dot caused by leakage of ribbon.

Blemish on digital 9 and zero.

National name 'AUSTRALIS' and machine number missed print.

Combine problems 1 and 3.
Australis closed all FRAMA machine since 2003 due to high expensive maitainess cost, and few people used it. I guess another problem is spare part is shortage.
Couple of years ago, Denmark also stopped Frama.
Till today, only Swiss, Iceland, Aland, Liechtenstein, Vatican, Malta are still running.

The Red-eyed Tree Frog is an arboreal hylid native to Neotropical rainforests in Central America.

Pop toy GALINHAS ATM issued on 13/12/1996 by black print, used blue since 09/01/1997.

Thanks Pierre!

Here we can find white line(horizontal) in HongKong Fish ATM. Because the wave(heavy blue) printed on the 'white line', so we can be sure the issue caused by printing slight blue on white paper as backgrond.
And there is heavy line under the white line, between white line and heavy blue line, the blue is a litter stronger than original background.

Legend Image.

All the prblems happend on the same postion, see above ATMs.

At the same day 5th Nov. France issued two ATMs above. Both are from machine LISA. Above R-letter sent on 16th Nov.
Thanks Pierre!

MAX CARD by France ATM and Portugal postcard.
Both postcards were issued by Portugal.-------------------------------
Thanks Pierre!

63th Philately Salon Paris 2009, this topic is Portugal. So we can see both images are Portugal elements. Left is Azulejo, right is St. George Castle.

FDC to China, issued on 5th Nov.
Thanks Pierre!