From top to bottom, it is France Nr 3.3.2, 3.3.2, 5.2 Z4. All 3.3.2 should be 'rosarot' color. Top's is right one. But the mid one's color is different from above one, very close to the bottom's. Per MICHEL 2002 catalogue, the bottom's color is 'rosalila'. This is my first time to know there is 'rosalila' for Nr. 3.3.2 of France ATM, in the catalogue above no record about the 'new' color.
Harry Potter FDC from LISA 2 machine.------------------------Thanks Pierre------------------------

Harry Potter FDC issued on 10th Marh. This ATM is from LISA machine.---------------------------------Thanks Pierre---------------------------------

All the photoes were from Nijmegen, Netherland. From the photoes, there are two units.-------------------------
Thanks Xin Cao
Usually for those ATM with date imprinted the date should be alignment with above number on left. For example, the above label(20,20 Euro) is the right one. But the bottome label's date move to right more. That is from the adjustment of machine program I supposed.
Perhaps the ink volatilize or leakage, the right side of label was blemished. I am sure what is the real reason. Leave your comments if you understand.
----------------------------------Thanks Flores
For celebration of Harry Potter stamps issue, French Post issued one ATM tool with same topic on 10th March. The Post installed the roll on both LISA and LISA 2 machine. Standard value is still 0,49/0,54/0,60/0,86. From LISA 2, we can get 0,01 value also.The maple pattern is very suitable for ATM style I think, very beautiful.
LISA 2 and its receipt
LISA and receipts-----------------------------Thanks Pierre
2007年利用春节回老家(重庆)的机会,打算和LP去川南一代旅行。因为时间和金钱的关系,事前我们详细的做好了计划和线路图。看过地图后,川南一代(重庆)的主要景点为古镇,佛,竹林。LP比较喜欢古镇休闲和优美的自然风景。而蜀南竹海是卧虎藏龙(Crouching Tiger & Hidden Dragon)的拍摄地,在宜宾西南方;永川茶山竹海(十面埋伏—House of Flying Daggers外景地)在重庆境内。蜀南竹海非常大,而且有名,所以是这次旅行的必要地点,而茶山竹海虽然很方便到达,但毕竟太小,知名度也不高,只能届时看情况了。本人除了自然风光,对人文历史也很感兴趣,所以成都的三星堆是必不可少的,另外还规划了乐山大佛和自贡恐龙。
第一天:重庆(N858 21:00) à 成都 (6:00) à吃完早餐,去高笋塘公交客运站(8:00)à 广汉县(8:30) à 三星堆博物馆(9:00) (10:50) à 广汉(11:10) à 黄龙溪镇(11:50) (17:30) à 成都如家宾馆 (18:00) (19:00) à 锦里街
第二天:成都如家宾馆(7:30) à 新南门车站 (8:00) à 乐山市(10:00) à 乐山大佛 (10:15) (12:00) à 乐山市吃午饭(13:00) à 自贡市 (14:30) à 恐龙博物馆(15:00) (16:00) à 自贡市 (17:30 最晚一班车) à 宜宾(19:30 最晚一班车) à 长宁 (20:30)
第三天:长宁县(7:15) à 竹海风景区 (8:00) (14:30)à 宜宾 (20:00) à 重庆 (23:00)
第四天休息,第五天 去重庆丰盛镇旅游
All ATM machines were turned off by post office in Taiwan since 3th March. The reason is someone using counterfeit coins to buy stamps from the machines, the face value is 50$, the maximum value coins for general currency. And the 'auto vendor machine' for selling other stuffs(boolet stamps, postcards, covers...) were involved.
Nobody knows when the machine would be re-on.
Recently I bought some ATM covers from Internet, there is some good rare covers I like very much. And here share with others.
France Nr. 3 ATM cover, sending to Netherland on 6th Aug. 1983. The machine number is LS 09 75513.
After change the paper of roll, Austria Post issued more with different words. 24th Nov. 2006 -- CHRISTKINDL 0624th Nov. 2006 -- PHILATELIE.SHOP1st Dec. 2006 -- SONDERPOSTAMT8th Dec.2006 -- NUMIPHIL 2006----------------------------------------Thanks Guenther----------------------------------------
Taiwan start off Red print on BlackBear by machine VarioSyst503, it is first time to use RED color on that machine. Number is 024. Dunno what is the next.The issue day is 10th Feb. 2007. News there would be more tech. ways on 'Crane' ATM.