Singapore ATM issue city viewing(tri-wheel bicycle) and Haw Parvilla. Each one comes from the same machine number 0004. The letter was sent on 30th March 1993.
Thanks Leung!

Rolls Royce car is the most famous manual vehicle from UK.
Thanks Leung!

On Nov. 19th 2010, Austria issue ATM topic is Christ and Child, Village in winter. One of words print is SONDERPOSTAMT above showed. There is serial number one the backside per 5 pieces.

Above cover was posted on end of year 2010.
Thanks Wolfgang!

As we know the character is comma of face value from Nehterland ATM, whatever it is from machine Wincore-Nixdorf, aCon, or Gunnebo .
All the ATM machines were closed now. Before the close of machine Wincore-Nixdorf, machine number PK000006, PK000007, if user select Dutch on the screen operation, he can still get the normal ATM print. But if he select English, the character is 'Dot', not comma. Above ATM is from machine PK000007.
Because most of local user select Dutch to buy the ATM, so only few local users and foreigners can get the deviated ATM.
Thanks Hens!

The label machine was closed since 22th Jan. at Hennessy Road post office, and will start over at Tunmen post office on 8th Feb.
The machine is operated by user, not by administrator, so called self service machine of post.
Another machine located on eCenter post office, still working.
Above cover has one that label affixed from hennessy road po.
Thanks Leung!

Holy Year of Saint James.
Thanks Leung!

HongKong Frama letter was sent on 27.12.20. There are 5 Framas on it, Rat, Goat, Dog, Snake and Tiger.
Thanks Leung!

We can not see any Euro signs on above stamps, but the ATM of Bonn Post Tower is Euro value, other 3 stamps are old Mark.
The R letter was posted on 23th Dec. 2010.

US computer stamp from Endicia.com, the letter was sent to Canda, and also has US black barcode on the bottom.
Thanks Leung!

Thailand R-letter sent to Singapore with postage label affixed. The cancel day is 29th Nov. 1995. Same type to Japan's.

Singapore R-letter with postage label, posted on 31th Aug. 1995. It is interesting they cancel the label. Same type to Japan's.

R-letter to Singapore on 15th Nov. 1991 from Japan.

Japan postagel lable letter, express to Singapore on 28th Nov. 1990. The motif is pigeon, present letter carrier.

Indonesia registered letter with postage label sent to Singapore on 30th Nov. 2995. The label is the same type to Japan's.

Germany letter was sent to China with computer postage label (2-d code) on Dec. 23th 2010. The postage label was affixed on the postal stationary ILIAS.

Czech Rep. registered letter with postage label, sent to France on 24th July 2008.
Thanks Leung, Roger!

Belgium ATM issue KVBP and Belgical 90, sent to Belgium.
Thanks Leung!

Ghent Floralia 1808-2008, the FDC was sent on 9th Feb 2008 to Canada, use ATM as additional postage.
Thanks Leung!

Australia Emu ATM issue, used cover with barcode.
Thanks Leung!

Spainish ATM issue Ancient Ship, the registered letter was sent at 6th July 1998.
Thanks Leung!

UK registered letter with two ATM Queen Head affixed, and also one postage label 'Golden Queen Head' on it. The golden label is great.

Thanks 1213pitilancy!

Spainish ATM issue 100 year of Tennis Barcelona Royal Club, cancelled at 14th Oct. 1999.
Thanks Leung!

Germany ATM issue Bonn Post Tower and Brandenbourg Tor., sent on 21th Dec. 2010. Arrvied in Beijing on 31th Dec.
Thanks Pierre!

Test and Blank ATM from France, issue in 2010.
Thanks Pierre!

Winter Place is the former Russian emperor's residence, part of Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.
Above postcard was published by Aurora Art Publishers, printed in USSR.

This postcard was named Palace Embankment, Leningrad, USSR. Issued in 1958.
Thanks Pierre!

The Kremlin postcard has Ivan Great Bell Tower, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals.
Published by Aurora Art, 1978,
Thanks Pierre!

The Ivan the Great Bell Tower is the tallest of the bell towers ringing the Moscow Kremlin complex, with a total height of 81 meters (266 feet). It was built for the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation cathedrals, which do not have their own belfries, and is said to mark Moscow's precise geographic centre.
From 1505 to 1508, the new bell tower was erected next to the church on the foundation of the old tower, which gave it its name.
More information please refer to wikipedia
This postcard was published by Aurora Art Publisher, Leningrad in 1982.
Printed in USSR.
Thanks Pierre!

Tthe Cathedral of Intercession (St. Basil's Cathedral 1555-61), Moscow.
This card was issued in 1983.

1550-1560, issued in 1966. T. 400 000.

Moscwo, USSR.

Nightview, issued in 1983.
The ATM 64th Salon Philately of France was issued on 4th Nov. 2010, the guest is Russian. All above postcards were from USSR period.
Thanks Pierre!

France Frama cover sent to Germany at 21, Sep. 1987. The machine number is 92184, two label value are 0010 and 0210.

Stockholmia 86 took place from 29th Aug. to 7th Sep 1986. Above is booklet, owner had affix one ATM on it, and cancelled.

Germany ATM Nr. 2 - Sanssouci, by Nagler machine.
Thanks Kjell!

Like France Post predict, the future communication is by computer more than letter. Above blank ATM cover was cancelled on 25th Sep. 1985.

Finlandia 88 ATM FDC to Sweden, 31. 10. 86.
Thanks Kjell!

Portugal ATM 'made in portugal' was issued on 9th Oct. 2010.

Above ATM comes from Philately Service, machine Crouzet, EPOST2000, SMD, AMIEL, all are black imprint.

Luxembourg ATM, rose red printed, sent to Sweden on 22th April 1986. The addtional postmark shows 'donate blood to red cross'.
The ATM numbered P2501.
Thanks Kjell!

France postal stationary with ATM Nr. 7, sent to Germany on 17th Sep. 1985. The cancellation which on the bottom left is Mophila'85 Hamburg (International Philately Exhibition), during 11--15th Sep. 1985.

Finland Squirrel ATM, value 1,00 KOR, sent on Sep. 1999, there is 'printed date/time' on the cover by local post office, I like the mark.
Thanks Kjell!

Commemorative card with ATM 7, SICOB'85 cancellation.

Germany ATM topic mailbox sent on 30th May 2003, arrived on Sweden second day. I like the printed date/time by sweden post office, not by hand cancel like in China which blemish the cover/stamps sometimes.
Thanks Kjell!

Above pictures are early Frama advertisement from Papua New Guinea. It is interesting they used Swiss Frama postage stamp motif on the front of machine.
Below is original content from the adv.
The Papua New Guinea Post & Telecommunication Corporation joins the growing world-wide list of postal authorities adopting the use of Frama-Stamp vending machines.
The type of vending machine to be used, as supplied by Frama AG of Switzerland, will be an electronic four-button model.
The machine is made of heavy-duty mild stell plate and measures 34cm in width, 20cm in depth and 50cm in height. Internal access is via a locked front door on which the following customer controls are mounted:
- 3 pre-set buttons for the issuing of frama-stamps with a value of 20t, 35t and 70th respectively.
- 1 button for issuing of a postage stamp at the value of the remaining change or at values differing from the three pre-set ones.
- Coin acceptor slot.
- Coin reject knob.
- LCD display showing the total value of coins inserted and the balance remaing after the issuing of the requested postage stamps.
- Frama-stamp issuing slot.
- Operator instructions.
The machine accepts Papua New Guinea, K1, 50t, 20t, 10t, 5t, 2t and 1t coins. Chang is given in form of an additional postage stamps. The inserted coins are directed to a locked cash box which automatically shuts when removed from the machine. The stamps are automatically printed and cut to size (40x32mm) from a roll of white dry-gummed stamp paper. The machine is fully microprocessor-controlled and operates from a domestic 240V AC/50Hz output socket.
The printer has a die plate which prints "Papua New Guinea" at the top, the postage value in the centre and the name of the particular post office "Boroko" at the bottom.
Frama postage stamp vending machines help to considerably speed up the issuing of stamps to the public and, at the same time, relieve counter staff of stamp sales. Instead of having to insert on low-denomination coin at a time to buy a stamp of the same value as requried with tradtional mechanical stamp vending machines the customers can now obtain a postage stamp for the pre-set or freely selectable values from 1t to K99.99 by simply inserting the equivalent in coins of up to seven denominations.
This administration will initially have only one 4-button model to be operated within the Boroko Post Office, in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea. Additional units will be installed in other centres in due course.
The philatelic customers will be provided with the following range of products:
1. One set comprising 20t, 35t and 70t stamps.
2. Packets of 50 sets.
3. Packets of 100 sets.
4. Optional values to be provided upon request.
5. Frist Day Covers.
6. Stamp packs.
The inauguration of this country's first electronics postage stamp vending machine will taked place at the Boroko Central Post Office on 7 March 1990.
Technical Details:
Preset - 20,35, 70
Paper: Framas'"SIHL"Mattgum - Mattpost White 901/90G Per M2 Paper Roll
Gum: Dry Gummed on Synthethic Especially for high temperature & humidity environments
7 March 1990
Thanks Christian!