All the cards are beautiful and rare I think.
Sending all the cards to Macon Philately Post Temporaire for making maximum card before the issue day supposed. But they stick the label on the offside mistaked. Now just sharing First Day card with you only. :--)(-----------------------------
Thanks for Jacques
First Day cancellation for ATM on postcard - Conciergerie, the ancient prison of France.---------------------------Thanks Pierre---------------------------

Taiwan Black Bear ATM(Gen. 5th) R-letter to Beijing, with SFS.
MACON ATM FDC. ---------------------------Thanks Jacques---------------------------PS. Bad service from the temproraire bereau of post MACON, they made mistake to deal with my maximum cards. All 6 postcards were stuck ATM on the blank side and cancel twice. God, why don't they know what the maximum card is. My friend even attached a letter with all 6 pictures to tell them where to stick ATM, where to cancel. Seems like they read the letter only, did not see the pictures on the letter. :-(
Beautifu Paris, beautiful ATM stamp.
Christmas is comming soon, just got friend's gift of ATMs.


Spainish ATM MADRID'92 FDC.

Berlin FDC

Portugal ATM with receipt.
Thanks Guenther

23th Nov. FDC of Norway Butterfly set, from machine aCon by Norge Phliately Service.
Regret they misunderstood my order, should 3 FDCs, acctually they stuck 3 labels on one cover.

US ATM was from Pitney Bowes, the label is big.
The hometwon house of Louis Pasteur, DOLE. Don't forget him when you drink Yoghurt.----------------------------Thanks Jacques----------------------------

24th Nov., SanChong post office setup a philately exhibition, and issue Green print on 'black baer' ATM, for new machines, it implement on number 078, 079.

France Paris Philately Salon 2007, 8th - 11 th Nov.


Thanks Pierre

The first day should be 2th Nov. 2007
Thanks Jacques

From Opole 15 (rose red) and Krakow (Purple).
Not sure if they are FDCs.

aCon ATM were from local post office, different from the Philately Service, the number/letter are more strong than later.
For this issue, the strip from local post office is longer than from VS.
Thanks Henrik

R-letter posted on 17th Oct. 2007 with ATM number 077, 081.

Greece Amiel ATM posted on 5th Oct. 2007.
Thanks Guenther

Denmark Franking label + First Day cancel + China post cardThe label's topic is bridges, but the bridge card is hard to get.
On 3th Oct. the Yushan post office(Nr. 087) installed the inventory roll -- Kaohsiong 2005 ATM on the Generation 5th machine.Second day, it was phase out by collectors, and the post office change to Cranes ATMs.

Taiwan Rocupex 2007 ATM R-letter posted on 11th Oct. 2007, black print.

Registered Letter was posted on 8th Oct. 2007, from Kreta, the value of ATM is 3,17 Euros.
Thanks Geunther

Above picture include the 2006(left) and 2007(right) issues of franking label. The height of every label is same, but the mount(yellow paper) of 2007 issues is lower than 2006, that means the distance between every label becames small.
Not sure if it need to adjust the programme for this roll change.
Franking labels were from Philiate Service, the first of every trip have a little bit variable to the serial number. Please check the left one, it bottome of serial number was pressed. Right one is normal.
On the ground, the square buried heads, rectangles buried bodies. They all killed for fete everyday.On the undergound, the small tome/pit are buried with dead, only bones left. Since the late of Yin dynasty, the tome was stolen many times. The tomb is the buring the Yin dynasty King ShangWu. There is one rare vessel 'SiMuWu' was left because its heavy, not easy to carry.
The biggest pit which stored oracles. Oracles records forecast and history.Fete pits with human beings and animals.
There are many many rare stuffs(bronz, jade, human being, animal, shell(money)) in the tomb of Fuhao. She is the brave general, and wife of King ShangWu. She is the first female woman in history.

Human Beings, cut off the head, and cook it by vessel. It is one important way to fete.
At Yin Dynasty, they use young peoples for fete, every time killed some youngers, even killed more than 1000 peoples on time. Every day, the koradji run the fete.
Many many stuffs from the ruins of Yin, stored in Meseum.

Bronz for tools, weapons, and decations.
Jades for decoration.
Oracles from Turtle's shell(abdomen only), bones of Animals, Human Beings.