Letter with ATM World Heritage of Macau Klussendorf, sent at 9th March 2010.
Thanks Jose!

27th ICSW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HONG KONG, on 29th July, 1996.The letter affixed FRAMA mouse.
Thanks Leung!

This year is China Lunar Tiger Year. 12 years ago, Hong Kong issued Tiger FRAMA.This letter was posted at 20th March 2010.
Thanks Leung!

1th July 1997, Hong Kong was returned to China from UK. Affixed ATM FRAMA RAM, definition stamps, commemorative stamp(new naming-Hong Kong, China).
Thanks Leung!

Annual Conference of FIAP 2010 at Macau, 8th March.Affixed World Heritage ATM issued on 2010 from Klussendorf.
Thanks Joao!