Dog Frama with special cancel: Smile and care tooth.
Thanks Leung!

Hongkong post's participation in the HAFNIA 01 World Philatelic Exhibition 16 - 21/10/2001.
First Cancel of this event sent to Canada, affixed Hongkong ATM.
Thanks Leung!
Mail - Link Annv. 1st ATM issued on 15th Dec. 2009, all the card are getting first day cancel.

Not real MAX because the postcard is Japanese harbo Kashima, and 10K Ton-class ship visit there.
Below MAX cards were made by Chinese Stationary TP31.

1600 lane-meter Ro/Pax Vessel GOTLAND

10K dwt Ocean Going Cargo Ship DONG FENG

Containership XIN PU DONG

PHILA-SHOP numbers
Also 5019, 1089.
1089: 9th Apr. 2009
5019: 12th Mar. 2009
1019: 1th Mar. 2009
Thanks Guenther!

PhilaKorea World Stamp Exhibition took on 16--25 Aug. 1994. Dog Frama affixed value 1.00 HK$
Thanks Leung!

Sent on 27/02/1996, two FRAMA affixed, value 0.30 and 1.00 HK$.
Thanks Leung!

The program should be upate after change ATM from Letter Box to Bonn Post Tower(Brandenburger Tor), but this one did not change the printing way. The right one is value position would on bottom of label, and have no Euro Sign.
Thanks Guenther!

NUMIPHIL 2009 -- ISSUE DAY:4th Dec. 2009
Thanks Guenther!

OVEBRIA 2009 -- ISSUE DAY: 11th Sep. 2009

MARKE & MUNZE 09 -- ISSUE DAY: 27th Mar. 2009

GMUNDEN 2009 -- ISSUE DAY: 28th Aug. 2009
Thanks Guenther!

This event took from 14th to 23th April 1994.
Dog FRAMA sent on 14/04/1994 at GPO, value 1.00 HK$
Thanks Leung!

The RAT ATM seems blur, another two is normal.
Thanks Leung!

Fareware ATM and Tiwi ATM
Thanks Glen!

Chinese Trans: donate hematopoietic stem cell, save life without impact healthy
Thanks for your careness and support to career of Red Cross

Indian Ocean Tsunami special issue. 'No Grandiloquence, just be your help.'

Backside of RED car.

Chinese Knot

Fortune and Happy: Variable types of Chinese text 'Fu'.
Henri(on the stamp and cancel) is the founder and Red Cross Intl.
Above the MAX cards were used China issued postcards.
Thanks Pierre!