Welcome Exchange ATM

Hello, all collectors from world wide. Welcome to my mini-world of ATMs. Inside this site, you can find some ATM used covers and ATM stamps that I collected, even some articles I studied. Surely not all the articles are correct, that I hope you feedback your rich knowledge to correct my words. Belive this field will benefit all explorers, and attract more friend into ATM world.
----------Show me knowledge, not stamps--------

Friday, December 15, 2006

Netherland Introduce new ATM machine

Netherland Post(TNT) purchased several ATM machines from Wincor-Nixdorf, named ProPostal 2000. Its first introduced date is on 6th Nov. at small town named Heemstede(two machines), second released on 10th Nov. at Nijmegen(two machines). The machines located at Heemstede can accept credit card/bankcard and coins, the machine number on label is PK000001 and PK000002. The machines located at Nijmegen can accept credit card/bankcard only, and number is TNT000001, TNT000002.PK machines' default value is 0.39, 0.65, 0.69, 0.80, and 0.85. And it can output small other values through get changes of letter. But the TNT machines can output 0.39, 0.69, 0.85 euros value.
The ATM machine can output receipt also, there are five types according to the letter destination. They areBrief binnenland -- Inland Brief Prio Europ -- Europe PriorityBrief Stand Europa -- Europe StandardBrief Prio ROW -- Rest of World PriorityBrief Stand ROW -- Rest of World Standard

The another machine can scale letter and parcels, output postage label(SFS) according to its weight. The max value is 20,00 euros, and use the same image to ATM, but bigger size.
For priority letter, the machine will print related information on the label(left side). It is stupid to print so much black background on the label, used so much ink. If it use black as foreground, that will save many ink. In my image, the all European had focus on Energy Saving, on north of Europe especially.


Thanks for Simon, Hens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pilot Rock,
keep going with your very nice blog. But don't worry about the waste of ink in these machines. They actually use thermal paper...sigh. And we all know what's gonna happen to the printing on the thermal paper SOONER (France 82, Spain first issues) or LATER... It'll completely disappear...and future generations might wonder why did our generation collect so many blanks :-)

Wish you a HAPPY and Healthy 2007,