Welcome Exchange ATM

Hello, all collectors from world wide. Welcome to my mini-world of ATMs. Inside this site, you can find some ATM used covers and ATM stamps that I collected, even some articles I studied. Surely not all the articles are correct, that I hope you feedback your rich knowledge to correct my words. Belive this field will benefit all explorers, and attract more friend into ATM world.
----------Show me knowledge, not stamps--------

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Japan - Fujisawa ATM

As we know current ATM machines are Omron in Japan. It can output ATMs value of 50, 80, 90, 120, 270 yen. (notes: the intial period can output 130 yen) Below image is Omron from Matudo-minami, and can produce receipt.
After running several years, the program was updated to reject 500 coin and 1000 yen banknotes because of false coins and forged notes happened.

Above picture is Inland Express Letter

In 1998, there setup one machine from Fujisawa, later stopped due to don't work. And no body repaire it. The character of Fujisawa is very close to Omron, but there still a little bit difference. Because card is sticked Fujisawa ATM.

Below image is look-up between Fujisawa (top) and Omron (bottom). We can see the Fujisawa is more stronger than Omron.

Because Fujisawa also can output other vlaues, 80, 90, 120, 270. I don't know how much the difference between other characters because I have no samples of other value.


Thanks Sugimura-san


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