As we know aCon machine got updated before this 2009 issue (nature energy), so the ATM both from Philately Service and Post Offices have the same fonts. But if we look the details, they have the different alignment of face value and serial number.
On issue from Philately Service, it is not alignment between face value and serial number.
But on issue from post offices, face value and serial number have the alignment to right.
Another difference is last 'character' of serial number. Before the update, all the ATM (what ever from philately service or post office) 's serial number runs 0, 1, 2...9, A, B, C, D, ...Y, Z of last 'character' of serial number, but now it runs 1, 2, 3, ...9, A from philately serive, still runs 0,1,2,..Z from post office by my collecting. If you have deviations, let me know please.